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have a note here in parentheses "gebang i.e. for bagor" - this this means iboh is the Acehnese term for the gebang palm which on Java is used to make bagor (a kind of burlap) bags
This course is for 15 participants + lasts 7 days
Kota Bowl apparently urban or not far from town - a note here that are 9 hambongs with about 250 KK. doing iboh weaving

(6) course for weavers of "pangki", a rotten container used for lifting sand, gravel, etc.
to be held in the Kec Johan Pahlava, A. Barat
7-day course for 20 participants

(7) course for "design kramif" in village of Atuek, 2 kilos outside B. Aceh in A. Besan
these craftsmen make artistic objects using cement + sand as raw materials
course lasts for 30 days and has 20 participants
[[margin]] correction: now make graboh course will teach them cement craft [[/margin]]
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of the total project budget of 5 million RP, 1,654,500 for gaji + upah (wages and payments) - includes 40,000 Rp a mo. for a year for one TPL (fieldworker) from each of the two kabapatens; provincial staff get 450,000 RP (4 persons) + instruction fees total 244,500
another 1,205,000 is to pay all the peserta 500 Rp a day to attend the courses (higher rates than Java) - another 992,500 for course suppliest + 301,500 for course equipment
rest goes for reports + transport - the DIP (DUP?) indicates will be monitoring + marketing help, but no details on this

from discussion:
my notes say "marketing help from a TPL hired esp. for this purpose", but no budget for that
I think the 2 hied TPL must be doing

B. Survey Proses Mutu dan Pemasaran Dari Pisang Salai dan Madu Lebah (Survey concerning Process, Quality + Marketing of Dried Bananas + Honey)
[[margin]] =honeybee [[/margin]]