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living; for nilan this is done by cooking the leaves & condensing the vapours)
want to find a system which is economical but produces a product which is not brown & therefore can be exported with a good price
budget: 6,600,000 Rp originally but this scratched out & 11,600,000 handwritten in 
additional 5 mil. for some kind of machinery (tractor)
project head: Hayatun
details: money to set up a complete lab in Kec. Teunom, A. Barat (center of nilam production & trade)
lab will use new boiler design which uses superheated gas; permits faster production & ∴ greater volume ((note Hayatum an industrial chemist, she is very keen on this project and will accompany me to A.Barat to inspect nilam kites))
new lab will have stainless steel rather than regular steel condensor to prevent the oil from turning dark; a "recycle air" system for the condensor will prevent evaporation loss
-DVP says this project connected with a project " kredit ketal" for the farmers & hopes that will raise incomes of pengrajin- no info. on how this connection to be be made

of the now 11,600,000 budget 1,200,000 is for honorariums for the technical staff at Balai Kemia over a period of a year and one project PP L
1,134,500 Rp for supplies, 535,500 for lab equipment & 550,000 for transport (perjalanan)
discussion: BIPIK already has 2 service centers for nilam ((where?))-working w/ dept Agr.
5 million addition for a tractor 
new lab will be located at BIPIK service center in Teunom - village is also a BIPIK "centre" - already have the building where equipment to be housed so don't need a budget for that
villagers in the area already planting nilam in quantity
farmers don't have their own equipment but rent out ketal penyuling from wealthier entrepreneurs 

new equipment will be used secara (bergilir?)