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from discussion:

B. Proyek Kredit Garam (Salt Credit Project, also a continuation from last year)
budget: 4,580,000
project head: signed by Ali + Bupati 
details: kredit to be given to 20 participants, divided into 2 "klompok garam"
both klompoks located in desa Lamnga, kec. Sarulsalam - each project participant will get to following: 

[[left margin]] kredit investasi

a. one brick oven worth 15,000
b. one brick + wood evap. shed/tray worth 78,000
c. one kuali from iron plate worth 31,000
d. drums, pipes worth 10,000 Rp

[[left margin]] kredit modal kerja

e. 60 meters plastic sheeting worth 30,000 Rp 
f. firewood worth 35,000 
g. cost of living (cash) 30,000

total 229,000 per participant worth of credit

background info. same as A above

says that "waktu pelaksaan kredit"("credit implementation time") is 3 years, but closer look shows thtat kredit investasi must be repaid in 300 days, modal kerja in 75 days + interest in 25 days

Ali attempts a profit calculation, as follows:

cost per pandok per day:

a. wood                   600Rp
b. cost of labor 2        1500
c. repayment investasi    447
d.      "    modal kerja  1267
e.      "    interest     92
                          3905 Rp

for 1st 75 days, then, till modal kerja paid off will be berat

income per pondok per day:
a. cooked salt 4 kaleng x1000 =  4000 Rp
b. evap. salt 1 kaleng x1000 =   1000