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payments are monthly to the [?] unit of BPD
the credit will come out this coming 
Next discussed structure of the [?] (( a. [?] office
ali- head
4technical staff
5 admin (tata [?])
Elias |Mustafa |Safaruddin
(telnick+tpl) |(TPL) |(Telenick +TPL)
office has one PDP Honda +2 
[?] Hondas
can occasionally borrow a car from tonight I
left for the field-
first stop the notam/[?] village
of [?][?] in [?] India-[?]
28 kilos for Banda arc (enrolled in second [?] project A (from tingkat I and second [?] project from tingkat II; see above [?] 9 and pp 27-28)
great racial mixture in the village- Billi comes from area of Rinladh 4-5 kilos away at edge of forest.
I carried by pikul back to the village.
actual stripping of the billy + production of baskets done by women
baskets very attractive with satton lashings + handles the (nattan?), like the (billi?) is forest gathered + free of charge
men market the baskets by (brusto?) to Pasan arch (in Banda arch) and Pasan Indra pure.
part of the villages production bought.