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5 people making krupuk, all women
Pak Siti also helps dry + raises ducks feeding them shrimp husks
women are all related to each other & work secara bagi basil
earnings estim 400-500 a day @
- Pak Siti does no fishing
- household also makes petes from krupuk water
- sometimes they go down to the beach to buy their shrimp, but sometimes shrimp sellers come around
no one in village sells already-fried krupuk
re fish, larger ones seasonal but smaller ones available year-round
no fish auction at Kwanyar 
-only 5% of boats at Kwanyar motorized, & those appeared just last year

later Pak Carik mentioned that Pak Matin taken by Dinas to Sidoharjo in E. Java near Malang 1 yr. ago to study their production methods-

5[[upper right]]
before that the quality of his product also low
((acc. to Jim Hoath, Surabaya people consider Sidoharjo krupuk best))

((rest of Madura notes transcribed into this book 5 months after visit- quality probably lower))

[[left margin]] KONANG [[/let margin]]

same day visited Kec Konang where a 1st yr. PDP project for pandanas weavers (see book 10, pp 50-51 & also pp 38-40 for an indentical project which didn't 'jadi')

in Kec. Konang are 2 desas, Bandung & Konang, who make pandanas tikan
we stopped at house of Ibu Kepola Desa Haji Subaida, one of the 5 persons taken to Tasik to be trained as 'katalisato' acc. to Bu Haji women from 25 HH in Bandung & 12 HH in Konang do pandanus work; of the 5 people taken to Tasik, 2 were from Bandung and 3 were from Konang