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for batik makers
project is to be realized in April; acc. to Pak Suyitno are 230 batik makers divided among +"putra-putri ada, tapi lebih banyak putri)
of the 1st yr. budget of 4 million (?), 300,000 will be used for a Diklat course & rest for "revolving" credit to be distributed in form of:
obat2an (dyes, etc.)
system to be used for distrib. is "feeder point" system
stressing 100% return of credit will form an assosiasi called "Ikatan Pengrajin Batik Tulis Desa"; will have a ketua, sekretaris & bendahara & will be divided into a seksi usaha & a seksi pemesaran
- a PLP (Penyuluh Lapangan Pengrajin) living in desa Kotah; gets his salary from Provinsi, not from project funds
- content of the training course as follows:
1.  perfection of technique - Nadurese motifs 
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they now lay cloth on floor & sketch on it - want to teach them to use sampiran
2.  dying (pencelupan)
3.  new motifs
Pak Suyitno wants to get help from Balai Penelitian Batik Jogjal for course
he himself will also teach, as will our PLP Sisyono
Sisyono has already received training at BPB, a more recent upgrading in Jogja & has experience also in working for a batik factory

               Pengrajin   <----PDP aid
            |  |  |  |  |  |
              20 subklompoks
           with total 230 members
not all of the materials credit will be used at first due to "shifting market" - (I think this means
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