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a tray x 30 = 1200Rp
can calculate profit:
30 trays x 500 = 15,000 Rp sales 
-13,500 beans 
-1200 labor
300 profit to owner 
does not include sale of empas & whey 
Pak Abdul sells some of his production by sitting in Pasar Klianget, 14k distance from the village - may suppose profit on tahu thus sold higher than on tahu sold totengkulaks - Pak Abdul says he makes the trip to Pasar Kalianget evry day
his wife makes temp
residue from tahu can be used to make tempe gemboo, but only done in season when hard to catch fish
- Pak Carik says that get more tahu ("the tahu is thicker") for the same amt. of beans if use mechanized equipment ("mesin")
are no mesins yet in the village
- are 36 traditional tahu units & 12 traditional tempe units in the 

kab. Sumenep supplies only 30% of the beans used in the village & rest comes from outside

next visited tempe enterprise of Pak Abdul's
there is a langganen who rings the beans to her house - she buys them in dried form because they last 2 mo dried - beans which haven't been dried will already be spoiled by 1 mo.
- Ibu used 10 gantang beans a day worth 9000Rp
its now the kedelei harvest season in Madura
if its the off-season on Medura buy beans from Java - someone comes around selling Javanese beans in off-season
price of Sumenep beans slightly lower
Sum: 280 per K (840 per g.)
Jav: 300 up (900 up)

sometimes its hard to get Javanese beans but manage to keep enterprises always open
takes only 2 people to make tempe: