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(see above bk 10, pp 78-79)
Basuki again stresses importance of bata putih as substitute for bricks & fact that former don't require firing & hence not as destructive of environment
- are 25KK + 20 hired baruh (orang tenaga) to be included in this 1st-yr. project
project to be carried out in a single quarry, to be worked by whole group
- group will be given:
1. lamps (lampu penerargan)
2. digging or
   quarrying equipment incl:
girjadji (saws)
linggis (crowbars)
sekrop (probably skop = spade)
- working capital supplied to group is 400,000Rp
- the group will be guided to form a KUD
- they will choose their own pengurus there will be dikkat at the beginning of project implementation

dikkat content will include:
1. standardization for the market
2. quality selection of stones from pt. of view of hardness, ease of shaping, and uniformness in shaping ("kerasan batu, muda membentuk, keseragaman membentuk")
3. understanding of work safety
holes now dug are w/out supports
methane gas in the quarry holes is a problem - also something called "asem areng" which my notes seem to indicate is CO2 carbon dioxide
the 2 people in the project who are not pengusahaare carriers {buruh pengangkut) who carry the stone from quarry to side of the road where it is sold
under the project planned the klompok penugurus ( work group elected lenders) will control the roadside sales - exact method of dividing profits will be worked out by the whole group through discussion ("akan dirusyawarakan")