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he says production of his enterprise about 150 pieces a mo., or about 6 per worker 

Keni complained about fasenah which formerly gave "kontan kurang sedikit" (cash minus a small amt.) but now requires Keni to setor first & get paid after wayango sold

change frow garu (plow)to cangkul(hoe)agr. has continued, presumably because plots smaller, less animals, women doing more of the work

Pak Redo still pushing cloves this trees producing well (40k from 200 trees; 6000 Rp  per K)
these trees were planted as demos in 1973, but others, including Keni, haven't followed suit because of the labor involved in watering the first year 

altho industri has grown, still only 8 houses in the dukoh with brick and plaster walls (rumah tembok)with cement floors

village w/ genteng coming in is Gemi 

acc. to Pak Redo, Pak Syahroni 



still head of Dept. And. Kab. Bantul

-next impeted village of Kasongan (duboh kajen)
-found Pak Sidal at home and got the following info:
industry has grown and demand, acc. to Sidal, outships production capacity (" persiapan tidak cukup")
-60 HH in Kajen and Gedongan now making ukin tempel "because they know price is better"

[[left margin]] compares w/ total of 200 HH making all types of clay products in 1978, of which 90 HH in Kajen) [[/left margin]]

acc. to Sidal, only 2 HH still making grabah because little market & competition great ("kurang pasan, saingan banyak")
wives now make ukin tempel also ("istri bikin juga")
two imp. technological changes are the purchase of clay from outside the village and the seiving of clay soil before mining
clay being purchased from Godean, Gunung Paré at cost of Rp 25,000 per truckload; have been buying clay since 1979 or 80 because, ace to Dal, clay from source area better quality
is a kiln in Dal's yard but he