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says not widely used because [[?]] ceramics don't hold enough + thus expensive 
example : a kiln only holds 80 large flower pots why sell for 200Rp each currently = 16,000 but would cost 3000Rp for wood to fire
if fire wtout a kiln can fire 300 pots at a time + fuel costs only Rp 2500
acc. ta Dal fuel still not a big problem + can get straw(damen)? and bamboo leaves easily
village quiet during my visit because just after Lelaran ; biggest market still domestic tourists - - foreign tourists buy small si?eld ceramics + are now producing miniature horses, lions, etc. for this market - only 3 families in the area have transmigrated recently (from Aedongen? + Ledok dukoho), none from Kajen
the telu rakyat [[?]] program is now controlled by the Bangunjiwo [[?]] KUD sugar workers (bauch giling, baruh tebang tebu [[?]]) earn 25,000 - 30,000 a mo. and paid on a monthly basis; Dal says can earn more making ceramics
other than Dal, leading producers still Pak Buang, Pak Temu + Pak Ngadis
Dal has a kiln, why he built in 79 because a friend from Palembang advised him to, but doesn't use because of capacity factor
Dal sells to a store in Blok M which takes a shipment once every 3 mo
Jogja stores no longer stock + he says most sales are direct [[?]] to people who visit the village
5 men from the village work as [[?]] town
note: I am a bit dubious about some of Dal's data- in particular we saw more than 2 H H making grabah + it still seems an imp. women's activity - - these women didn't want to talk, however, possibly because they were expecting money from us "tourists"; [[?]] heard one complaining that I asked so many questions, but didn't want to give her a nice present