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age. to Pak Amat, however, Sunung Penuh + also [?] ((SP?)) before if both govn. -owned
Sunung Penuh has been turned over by the national govn. to the regional govn. ("R.I. serahkan [?] [?]")
Pak Amat got a 4 mil. Rp. KMKP loan in 1983 to be repaid in 5 installments every 6 mo.

had to have an ijin [?] to qualify
either the ijin or the loan took 2 mo to get (([?][?]))
[?] to Amat, rice fields around Malangan yield 4oz. husked rice or 6oz. unhusked ([?][?][?]) per meter per harvest
if have 500 M means get 4 x 5000 = 2000oz or 200K of rice per harvest, ar about enough to meet a household's rice requirements for a season if don't sell
Pak Amat says he has 2000 M^2 sawah 
[?] quintal = 100 K
from which he harvests 12 Quintal (1200 K) of dry [?] after gives a 1/8 bawon share to harvesters
after hulled = 7 Q [?]
((does amt. to 43 oz husked per M^2 + 6oz unhusked + must add bawon share))
now planting [?] variety [?] gives 50% more yield that traditional
are not allowed "by neighbours" to plant Rajolele because "invites hamah" ((diff. length of cycle means fields never empty over wide area, but pests can move from field to field))
in order to avoid pests, they must all plant simultaneously ("menanem kompak") - creates [?] shortage so must invite labour from outside the kec. 
in explaining difference between use of tebasan + bawon, Amat says you use tebasan if you plan to sell, but bawon if you plan to eat your harvest 
in case of tebasan, the head of the tebasan group is called a tengkulak+ also acts as the rice trader
the two persons, [?] to Amat who own. the most land are Pak Lurah