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by itself so united with roso (scrap
iron sand comes from HUMPUSS in
Lampung, which is owned by Segit
Suharto, son of the president
has been in operation last 5 years
BRIs outstanding loans to Cepe, include:
   4-5 loans to 'agen bahan baku
(four or five) roso (scrap iron dealers)
over 100 loans to producers, i.e. owners 
      of tungkik
about 40 loans to traders of cast iron 
this out of a total of about 433
loans outstanding in July + about 
71 written off (dafta hiltam)
thus, appr. 1/3 of the loan business of this unit to cast metal ind. in Batur
rice is [[strikethrough]]harb[[/strikethrough]] harvested in this area in May
+ Sept, 2x a year
cane grown in alteration w/ rice +
tebu rakyat program still being forced
in the area
the metal industry in Batur having 
problems now w/ check mundur -forced
to the checks, but when no funds in the


bank the buyers say they will pay later
then, because short of cash, producers
are forced to get raw materials on credit
from 'agen', with hidden interest of about 
they say that all the producers use 
steenkol (coke) from Semasang +Jkt.
as fuel
are 3 or 4 subagents for steenkol in 
now many producers [[strikethrough]]have[[/strikethrough]] (who were 
formerly landless) have bought rice
fields outside - they do not farm
these fields themselves but rent or 
have crop them out
problems in metal industry have caused
arrears at unit to go up 
cost of living in bec. Ceper about 
150,000 Rp per mo. minimum, plus
about 20,000 Rp for school expenses if 1
child in SD +1 in SMP
male agr. wages 2000-3000 Rp per day,
and female 1500-2000 Rp 
agr. laborers from other districts 
in '91'-92 agr. sector hit both by drought
and several kinds of rice pest (walang 
sangit, walang bresek which produces stems w/no grain, and wereng coklat which attaches from below