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NOTES ON FBSI (All Indonesia  Labor Federation)

from article in BIES, "Recent Developments", pp 33-39, Peter Ackerer

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p 33 [[left margin]]

after a decade or more of quiescence, no. of labor disputes began climbing again in 1979
both FBSI and Kopkamtib(Adm. Sudono) have issued announcements that more labor unrest and more working days lost

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p 34 [[left margin]]

in 1974 the former union federations affiliated to political parties were dissolved, and independent unions forbidden for all government employees; now govn. employees must join KORPRI(Korps Pegautai Republic Indonesia), whose top officials are the heads of the respective Departments or state enterprises
after some hesitation govn. permitted non-govn. employees to continue to be represented by outside unions, but these unions had to be organized acc. to type of industry and had to federate into FBSI
are 26 industrial unions in FBSI top leadership of FBSI initially appointed by govn., tho has since been confirmed in office by the FBSI's