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South Africa Institute of Race Relations a 
liberal group that since early 70's has 
worked thru churches to establish
"centers of concern" where white women 
typically showed their interest in promoting 
better conditions for servants by teaching 
literacy, sewing & cooking, & by praying 
w/ them 
regularly publishes recommended min. 
wage & hourly standards 
recommends overtire why, however, 
unheard of in practice 
article reports attempt to expand the 
Race Relations andt's project on
domestic workers (headed by Leah
Tutu, wife of Bishop Desmond Tutu)
to town of  Vereeninging, about an 
hs. south of Goh.
project changes $4 for annual association
many women afraid to join till can
gauge seriousness of reprisals by
employers & ability of the association to
protect them
many feared they would leave themselves open to the accusation they had done something political
association plans to proceed by organizing a convincing no of workers & then go 
to the white authorities and ask them 

to accept its recommended min. wage levels

3 article by T. Omas Ihomi on "Social Change & Its Impact on House Servants Nowadays" (Pestahan SOcial dan Dampakaya Tenhadap Pembantee Rumah Tangga Masa Keiri)

- papr presented June 3, 82 at a conference on the Role and Social Function of House Servants in Metropolitan Cities"

p1 - limits herself to discussion of female house servants
relationships between these servants and majikan (employers) families already institutionalized

she distinguishes 3 types of relationships:
a)the colonial relationship where the employer is a different race & nationality from the women employed
extreme social & power gap 
sexual exploitation of the tuan-nyai relationship & problem of illegitimate children not recognized by either race

b)the relationship between upperclass Indonesians with women who are