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and do not enter the labor force 
labor force participation rate 
highest for recent migrants, lower 
for earlier migrants and lowest 
for women native to the city 
also a function of age as women 
tend to drop out of the labor force 
when they get married and have 
families of their own 
[[left margin]] p133 [[/left margin]]
of women in the labor force in 
Chile nearly 2 out of 3 recent migrants 
are domestics, but only 1 in 5 earlier 
migrants and only 1 in 9 natives - 
data for other L. Amer. countries 
among males, however, no clear 
differentials between natives and 
[[left margin]] p134 [[/left margin]]
((continuous influx of young female 
migrants probably depresses wages 
for domestics))
many of tasks performed by rural 
peasant women for their families 
can be transferred to urban setting 
in L. Amer, incl. preparing food, 
[[left margin]] p135 [[/left margin]]
making & mending clothes, raising 
animals & veg., collecting fuel & 
water, etc. 
if see monetary value of these goods &
services purchased at market prices, 
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econ. contrib. of these women unmistakable
[[on left side]] p136 [[on left side]]
some married women move in & out of domestic labor market, sometimes performing the same tasks for other families as she performs for her own family at home
will do this to supplement (and at times of unemployment to replace) the income of other gainfully employed members of the HH 
-domestic service offers lower class village women a change for socio-economic mobility w/ in the broad spectrum of the lower class
likely that many rural families allow their daughters to move to the city just because there are jobs in domestic service available in [[why?]] the girls are morally & physically sheltered-
this, in part, migration encouraged by existance of this altern.
note than in L Amer. young girls role in agr. relatively minor, so their labor not needed in rural areas
[[on left side]] p 137 [[on left side]]
Margo Smith writes about typical career pattern of a servant in Lima:
1. spends 1st few months after arrival w/ relatives who have