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owned by a certain Jbu Haji Wiarsi Nataplawira [[strikethrough]] fi [[strikethrough]] originally J.N. was Chinese (Tionghua) - owned, but Jbu Wiarsi bought it in 1961
she is a Sudanese and she also lives on the plantation in a large comfortable home with diesel - powered electricity, stereo + casette collection, etc. she provided us with a lavish lunch, but attempted in various ways to obstruct our free discussion with her workers
J.N. one of the smaller plantations 
25 management staff 
451 [[underlined]] laborers 
476 total
the appr. 450 laborers are divided as follows
[[side one]]
100 women(
60 pickers, 
40 in-factory sorters)
[[side two]] 
350 men 
do weeding, planting, 
application of 
fertilizer (pemupukan)+
lower than usual proportion of women reflects fact that Jbu Wiarsi is rehabilitating J.N. 
has offered an I.D.A. World bank loan for 400 mil. Rp (I 600,000 $U.S.) to be repaid over 15 yrs. 
(I.D.A. can be contacted thru their Project Management Unit at Jl. Juandor 33 7, Bandurg) 
will do [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] no processing this year while factory facilities bring modernized 
[[strikethrough]] insede [[strikethrough]] instead selling their tea green to govn. research center (Balai Pehelitian) in Cianjun (called Pasir Sironge?) at same time trying to bring more of their land under cultivation
J.N. has hak guna usaha rights on 425 hectares of which 170 already planted but 300 plantable
so this year have cut back on factory workers but added many more men to do clearing + planting

acc. to Jbu Wiarsi women pickers are paid 20-22 Rp per K and can pick 30-40 K a day - needs rechecking ((earnings a function of availability of leaves to pick at any given time + women's ability to pick; latter strongly affected by health))