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continuation of notes from [[?]], "In the Company's Shadow"

- male HH reads 1 unmarried men may leave their families for 3. - no contracts to work on forestry projects, fishing towlers, [[?]] sugar estates; longterm migration [[merantan?]] is also an acceptable option for men
couples may leave children with grans-parents + leave the village for several mo. to work as agr. laborers in rice districts
young girls age 12 +113 go to cities + become babysitters + servants, returning no more than once a yr - in beginning send remittances but eventually become independent
married women more tied to home; often take up casual estate work because, in husband's absence, infrequent [[remittances ?]] can rarely be counted on to cover daily needs for the duration
p 39 - women do not gain power or income thru participating in labor exchanges as on Java because these activities absent of in muted for on Sumatra; patronage between