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estate + village, not between households in the same village
nor are women able to control children's 
earnings or mobilize children's labor
for the household economy 
middle-level trading, which is [[strikethrough]] vm [[/strike-through]] the major pursuit of better-off village
women on Java, is handled on
Sumatra by other ethnic groups 
wives of permanent estate workers who get large bonuses (such as palm oil harvesters) take pride in not working; resemble in this wives of school teachers and low-level govn. officials 

Jav. girls in N. Sum. tend to leave 
school much earlier than boys,
either to work on estates or become
[[left margin]] p40 [[ left margin]] 
marry much earlier than other ethnic 
groups in N. Sum. or their age-mates 
in Java
as waitresses in warungs + as servants
girls forced to submit to sexual advances
or lose jobs; girls w/ [[with]] such
jobs often bring home inexplicable
amts [[amounts]] of gold, jewelry, clothing + cash + assumption of promiscuity
made by other villagers
main pt. [[point]] that few acceptable income
earning options available for women 
except casual estate labor
some women scavenge for discarded 
palm husks or a weed-controlling 
plant grown under + around the palms-
sell to agents who may resell to
estates- these scavenging activities 
actually forbidden by estates but tacitly
[[ left margin]] p 41 [[ left margin]] Jav. [[Java]] labor known in N. Sumatra as 
cheapest - often ethnic groups would 
not accept the same earning levels; 
Jav. [[Java]] labor force expanding at a 
rate that peripheral villages can't 
absorb & Jav. [[Java]] leaving temporarily
or permanently for other areas
become gardeners for Karo Baliks, 
servants for urban Chinese, night-
watchmen and agr. laborers for Toba
Bataks, or road crew members for 
Ch. [[Chinese]] contractors

[[Left margin]] p 42 [[left margin]] 
various rationales affecting women used to justify company
employment strategies + union  
political strategies:
    1. when companies felt it was too 
costly to recruit non-working 
wives, women performed 
both domestic work & wage labor