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or visit relatives

[[margin]] p4 [[/margin]]

relationships between buruh melayan & boat owners cemented by debts; each crew member usually owes 5000 Rp or more to his boat owner; in turn the boat owners frequently have debts of Rp 10,000 or more to the shopkeepers who outfit their fishing trips

[[margin]] (pof confused on this pt.)[[/margin note]]
processing carried out primarily by women. approximately 60% of catch is salted; either ikan asin or pindang; remaining 40% packaged in ice & shipped to nearby urban areas, primarily Jakarta. 
3 types of fish used to make pindang:
1. ikan bandeng (from tambakes)
2. ikan kendarin) from ocean
3. ikan tenggiri

estimated that half women in S.B. involved in marketing or making pindang.
can get fish, often on credit, from bakuls who may then market the pindang
if women make pindang in the home of the bakul they are paid Rp 20 per KG 

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of fish cleaned

Pof. says will go to work in rice fields when no fish, but slack season for fishing & rice coincide.

smaller no. of women make krupuk tenggini (krupuk from tenggini fish) or trasi (shrimp paste) 

smaller-scale marketing HHs in the kecamatan or at Pasars  Dengklok & Karawang done by women

male middlemen control marketing of fresh fish to Jakarta ((hired trucks used)) - these men appear to market mainly through Pasara Blok M & Majestic

KVD statistics show increasing yields over 5 [[strikethrough]] pa [[/strikethrough]] five yrs (from 254 metric tons in 1982) - result of new technology, both nets & motors 

[[margin]] p5 [[/margin]]

motorized prahu project (KEPPRES 39/80) has provided boat owners w/ low interest loans thru local BRI - currently 78% of the boats motorized vs 10% before the program was initiated 3 yrs. ago

repayment of loans has been slow; 

Transcription Notes:
[[)from ocean]] applies to both 2 and 3