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them w7 low - interest credit + break their dependence on local middlemen-new techniques + equipm. could be introduced thru the coops to increase productivity
yet, he feels, more info. needed on contepual details, needs, constraints, + local resources; ∴ recommends more in -depth series of case studies why illuminate:
a. patron-client relationships
b. marketing linkages
c. credit mechanisms
d. processing technology

INDON : dipa
1 arms length (arms spread)
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my own notes

stopped first at Sungai Buntu fish market and auction area talked with male tengkulaks who rent trucks in nearby kec. town of Rengas Dengkok; in the rainy season about 10 tengkulaks work (the market) but fewer come in the dry season when less fish
these male tengkulaks deal in fresh fish and shellfish; the fish is packed in between layers of ice in baskets and taken by truck to Jakarta; the tengkulak I talked with sold exclusively to bakul pasars "in Blok M (near my house) and Majestik markets - ((these are both located in the upper class suburb of Keb. Baru in South Jakarta))
rather mysterious event at auction of a large boisterous man who "bought" the fish from the fisherman and "sold" it again on the spot to the tangkulak
this person either a member or an official of the KUD (govn. coop) which controls the auction area