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-eack klompok wanita has 20-24 members
-poorer women work as fish procesing buruh (laborers) for bakul
bakul may be either men or women but a female bakul usually has a husband who is a juragen
two types of fish processing

1. buruh mengasinan cut fish into pieces; salt + sun-dry it
get about 25Rp a K. for this work
2. buruh pindang cook fish between layers of salt packed in pots with some water, usually over a wood fire
also sold in these pots→[[Diagram of a pot]]

Pak Kartom estimates that are about 80 bakuls of which 10 specialize in ikan asin only
are 5 -10 buruh working for each "istri" (bakul wanita i.e. the wife of a juragen) so can estimate are 400-800 women in S. B. who find work as fish processing laborers

pindang pots formerly made of aramic (which is traditional) but
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now using pots made of sheet aluminum on cold cans ("dari kaleng atau roll aluminum") and soldered - they buy these pots from Pasan Dengklok and they are made in Desa Dongkal - we had no chance to see one of these pots
Why they should change to metal pots is a mystery to me since commonly thought that food cooked in clay pots tastes better - furthermore price of grabah (clay cookware) very depressed now - furthermore Karawang and excellent clay area famous for its brick + tile factories; needs to be looked into
salt comes from the villages of Aparigch (also a PPA project area) and Eretan
some areas alternate salt + tambak but it is not as common as in north coast of C. Java
nylon was introduced for net-making in 1970
women get orders to make nets from their husband's juragen- get paid 30K per depak (arm's reach or a little over a meter) - one net 3X1 depak a few women (5 or less) make krupuk from triggers fish on a seasonal basis
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