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running to him when they have a problem
-once the Yayaan aw that the Kooperasis T.K. was running, well they formed a T.K. of their own ((with help of Usaka Mulia, the Subud Yayasan))
the Yayasan's T.K. only operated 1/2 [[?]], however, because parents felt the Kooperase school was better and because the teachers in the Yayasan school were Christian and, ace to M. + S. , teaching religion along w/ Wainggolan's help, had organized Christain prayer meetings int eh kampung ("pengajian Kristen") 
- Pa. Albrecht's group is called A.P.P. (Aksi Puada Paroki) 
- school fees for the Kooperasi T.K. are 20,500 entrance ("building fee") and 1500 monthly
entrance fee can be spread out over several months (dicicil) 
- M. + S. acknowledged that this fee is high, but say Koop. based on self-help so teachers insisted that parents pay ((at least one woman that [[Lea?]] and 2 talked to in the [[kampung?]] said she had enquired about enrolling her child but had to drop the idea because the 20,500 entrance fee was too high for her))
M., S. and ali all claim that Nainggolan is personally dishonest; ali gave as an example fact that Naing. has asked OX FAM for 300,000 to clear the [[acta tanah?]] for the resettlement site, but in reality only costs 50,000
also that he has lied about land prices 

ali's partial description of the history of outside development efforts in K.S.:
in 1976 the [[gelandangan?]] or poor squatters living along Kali Malagan (near perfect atthaloka Bldg. where Adi's office located) has their homes burned; Waing. assisted them to move to new location in Jonggol  in 1980, acc. to ali, the K.s.