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asking for more time, but authorities apparently anxious to finish before rainy season
people say they don't know where to go
some have registered for transmigration, officials say
Soedarmo, the N. Jak. Public Order Agency chief, says that guards will be posted to prevent people from rebuilding
prostitutes unable to transmigrate because no legal husbands
article notes that Jak. pop now 6.5 million & at current rate of growth will reach 12-15 million around yr. 2000
city govn. has tried declaring Jak a closed city, has tried rounding up the homeless & shipping them back to their villages, but nothing has helped
reporter feels that only rural dev. will stem the tide of migration

[[left margin]] 17 Oct 6, 83 Post [[left margin]]

residents of 200 houses demolished in Kalijodo last week complained because their houses demolished but others used by prostitutes nearby not


the4y fear women in charge of brothels will build on their land
law & order officers of N. Jak say they have no plans yet to close the red-light district

[[left margin]] 18 Oct 7, 83 [[left margin]]

Amrullah Asbah of the Jak leg. council complained of "3rd parties" who take a cut of compensation payments to landowners
this in connection w/ 7 road projects the govn. is starting in the city
delays have been caused because of no. of residents who must be displaced.
particularly affecting Pondok Pinang Pejompongan project and Jakarta Cikampek project ((former K.S. & latter Halim area))
to handle [[strikethrough]] gov. [[/strikethrough]] squatter problem, Soepnato has issued new instructions that all luraks must report cases of illegal occupation to the camat who will issue a warning [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] and orders to vacate

[[left margin]] 19 Oct 19, 83 [[left margin]]

13 houses in fishing village of Muara Angke, N. Jak., demolished Monday none of the people had land use permits