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donor of several suggestions & contacts made

N. says that to develop self-help among this group difficult because they are uncertain about when they must move & how much aid they will get & conflicting stories from city govn & PU (Public Works, making toll road)


3. Kalibata group of 15 hasn't got a donor yet

efforts to get aid from Wielenga Hollard & Cebemo no results

between June 81 & Dec. 82 own savings in Bank Tabungan Negara less than 1 mil (970,000)

trying to get a B.T.N. credit

this a pilot project in low-cost housing; 2 houses built in 79-80 w/ gotong royong labor & outside loans 

4. Bekasi children's project running well w/ no of Bira Desa inputs & supervision; 2 full time P.B. field workers

inputs include sewing machines, goats, pigs, eels, pump, etc.

13-16 yr. olds given training in technical vocational subjects

large amt. of land (8500M)

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& 2 structures

Dept Social Welf. has also donated educ. equipm. & P.B. staff underwent 1 wk. training

5. other activities:

w/ OXFAM aid helped Lembaga Peloporan Transmig. carry out motiv. at Galunggung in Aug 82

at request of OXFAM a woman w/ elephantiasis who has sat on corner 3 yrs taken to hospital

200 [strikethrough/] H [strikethrough] H. at Menteng Atas, who were victims of the 1974 pengusuran & pembakaran at Kali Malang, have asked for help in looking for ways to improve their housing situation

now living in gubuks 2X3 or 3X4 M (behind Gedung Pemuda Kuningan)

[circled/] 4 [circled]

SEKKAB approval March 10, 83

our letter of agreement Oct 20, 81

(hence took almost 17 mo.)