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5  [[underline]] Nov. 3, 1983 report to Ford [[/underline]]

-already implementing 1st stage, 100 familiees on 10,393 m of land at Cikumpa Kotip Depok Bogor says that second stage for 450 families to be settled on 4.5 ha at Kotip Depok Bogor already approved and surveyed by Misereor on Oct 27-28, 83
-funds from Misereor channeled through Bina Swadaya as the project "consultant"
toook 21/2 yrs for the money to be released, from April 1980 till March 83 the report complains; actual promises from Misereor to the BP3MKS, says here in 1981 land purchased with various considerations as decided by pengurus YPMKS, leaders and members of the 100 families, planning division of Bappeda Bogor kabupaten considered were bus and train connections, land price, work opportunities in the new locale, land quality, plans for development of Depok town, nearness to a piece of land on why YPMKS already put a deposit in 1982

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akta tanak obtained from camat and govn. agencies with OXFAM funding; akta tanah in the name of the 100 families
OXFAM funds will also cover that akta tanah for the 2nd group of 450
says here that the klompok heads elected by residents, but not acknowledged by govn. 
says Y.Usaha Mulia, medical aid began in 1976, working with Rumah Sakit Panit Usada Mulia to provide once a wk. services- also financial adoptions for hundreds of children incl. books, equipm. uniforms, school fees, and capital for parents to fix up house or for working needs

says in 1977 100 families moved to Jonggal kec. along with tens of families from Kali Malang
says Gonggol project received aid from 3 sources, 1/3 each:
a. Lembaga Daya Dharma (Catholic)
b. D.G.I.
c. Usaha Mulia
with additional "dukungan" from Ibu Nasution's group (DPP-MKGR)