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OXFAM sponsored N's study tour to Semarang

Batubara gave money in 1981 as down payment on land ((where? for which group?))

says here ave. incomes 50,000 per KK per mo. 

attitudes of don't care ("acuh tak acuh", "masa bodoh") affecting norms, etiquette, etc.

on positive side solidarity high, aware must move, & still willinf to save & carry out self-help activities

resettlement plan:
every 5 families constitute a Unit Lingkungan Kecil or ULK
each family gets a 2 room house consisting of 1 room for sleeping & 1 room for eating & cooking

share bathing, washing, toilet, and clothes drying facilities (w/ hand pump well & septic tank)

8 ULKs = one Klompok Lingkungan or KL

each KL, consisting of 40 families, will be surrounded by a road wide enough for a grobak on small colt to pass


each K.L. gets water piped in (serana saluran air) & later central electricity or PAM

each K.L. gets a balai wh/ can be used a workshop & a small field for sports & recreation

serving more than one K.L. will be communication facilities (fasilitas penghubung), parking for cars & trucks, trash dump, gardu, poo keamanan

later says each house 5 x 5M divided into 2 sleeping rooms & 1 family & eating room

kitchen from stone w/ open walls, 1 x 2 meters in size

says here that [strikethrough\] houses [strikethrough] price of each house & unit adjusted for the ability of the potential occupiers office to pay (kemampuen kantor [strikethrough] calon penghuni) & also the quality of the building materials variable

houses will be built half-finished in order to force the residents to finish themselves & save for this purpose

location surrounded by bamboo & wood forest, good soil, plenty of sunlight, fruit trees wh/ will provide extra income