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81 students in 81/82
down to 67 students in 82/83 due to families moving

lists as the T.K.'s pelindung:
1. Kaperasi Pemukiman Sadar K.S.
2. parents

As pembina or advisors.
3. P + K (Dept Educ.)
4. various social org' lembaga 2 social) working w/ KKP (kelonpok Keja Pemukiman)
T.K. has also carried out other activities
in 82/83 ie:
1. a kelompok kesenian for children to teach dance and calesthentics [[sic]]

2. an educ. [[strike-through]] from [[/strike-through]] program for mothers of students to teach literacy, sewing, cooking, embroidery says  in addition to salaries also need tools for these activities

from parents funds of 163,000 kp
in 1981-82 built fence around T.K. yard;
from parent's funds of 480,000 in 1982-83
bought chairs + tables (30 sets), built

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an office, bought a hand pump, built a WC and sent 72 students on to private + govn. grade schools
(this acc. to report to Adi)

7. after fire Emma Witorleay sent out an SOS letter asking for donations of food, clothing and kitchen equipm. for K.S. to be sent via YPM KS

8. letter from Humaika to Richard dated 23 April 82 (after fire)

says as of April 16 govn's rice kitchen from Dinas Social stopped emergency barracks set up by city govn. won't house all families because govn. is planning to build a highway 50 meters wide down the center of the burnt out area.
Humaika described 21 karungs of old clothes or 413 packets from OXFAM, plus supplementary food and med. from Usaha Mulya 
states plans to distribute rest of OXFAM aid for school children and workman's tools totaling 5M.