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12 let to the Sekr. General of Dept of Social Welfare from Sugandi dated Nov 1,82
Sugandi head of M Kekluaryaan Gotong Royong
a Golkar org.
letter asks the Sek Gen to  issue a recommendation to SEKKAB that our project be approved, on the grounds that "the majority of K.S. families are MKGR Golkar families who, in 1971, 77 and 82 helped Golkar win in the general elections"
((not true, Gokar lost in K.S. in 82))

also that "Yayasan Panca Bhakti belongs to a MKGR family who is helping MRGR families to overcome housing probs"
13 let [[letter]] from Eddy Ruchyat Soheh dated Oct 19, 82 giving them 14-24 hrs to tear down house and complaining no response to Sept. 30, 81 order
14 proposal to Ford dated Apr 15, 81 says no ganti rugi offered

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mentions a meeting between N. Batubara Min. of Public Words, Bina D'esa, George Anzorena, Rifai Pulunpan held in [[underline]] Sept. 79 [[/underline]] before 1st demol. order

mentions 10 mil from Batubara

76 N. began working in K.S. for Usaha Mulia with Terres des Hommes Nederlands funds
Dr. Mitchell of U. M.