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8. June 9, 1980, Kompas
press interview given by Cosmos Batubara after meeting with governor Jak. Tjokropranolo
says Batubara hopes DKI govn. won't be too quick to demolish K.S. but will give the people a chance to move to a new location
he would like to see the problem solved step by step, and in particular would like the committee already formed at K.S. to be given a chance to find a way out says here 490 families
at same time says that land illegally occupied and not suited to housing due to flood-proneness
article also reports that last Friday Batubara met with K.S. delegation, including Soeroso as one member, and that delegation reported that received demolition warning at the beginning of April, order dated. Feb. 26, with demolition scheduled for 12 May; 27 Mei the Badan formed formed with the purpose of collecting funds to build housing at the edge of town ("mengusahakan dana untuk membangaun perumahan [[whiteout]] [[/whiteout]] dipinggiran kota Jak"); [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] in article Batubara praises attitude of K.S. delegation and surprisingly says govn. will hlep other displaced squatters if they form a committee such as the one at K.S.
regarding funds, Batubara says that this must depend on the efforts of the people themselves to collect dunds from private sources and their own savings — thereafter the govn. will help them select a suitable location
he said firmly, however, that he didn't promise to give Perumnas housing to the 490 families
says that Perumnas does make available some houses for displaced families ("warga gusuran") but they must fulfill certain requirements such as presenting a letter of explanation from the governor or mayor, having an income of a certain level ((in order to make Perumnas repayments)), etc.
in helping displaced families, Perumnas gives priority to those who have been displaced because of the building of roads or public facilities
article also quotes the opinion of West Jak mayor, Edy Rochiyat Sobeh, who says they plan to use part of the land for a greenway (jalur hidjau), part for a sports stadium, and part for public recreation facilities
Edy states "Those families have absolutely no right [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] to the land they are occupying, that land belongs to the government."
Batubara also mentioned that Perumnas faces serious problems in obtaining land for projects, and even for installing water pip[[strikethrough]]i[[/strikethrough]]es
also discussed with the governor Perumnas projects at Tanah Abang (1000 units) and Klender

9. June 20, 1980, Pos Kota
another article about meetingoof K.S. delegation with Cosmos and the mayor of West Jakarta
may be a second meeting, since says met at the mayor's office "last Thursday"
at this meeting the delgation asked for 2 years to solve their problems
delegation headed by Nainggolan
asked for 6 months to look for land, 6 months to prepare land 12 mo. to implement construction
delegation also asked for help in buying 8.5 Ha. of land on the edge of West Jak or South Jak with a plan that 40%  will be used for environmental facilities and 60 for buildings; they also asked that they be given building permits (izin pemukiman pembangunan)
also, for those whose incomes qualify, they asked to be given Perumnas housing at the cheapest possible price
at this meeting Nainggolan also introduced the badan pengurus
Roechiyat, the mayor of W. Jak., asked about the no. of families to be resettled; acc. to this figures more than 1000 families at K.S., but only plans to resettle 400; in Roechiyat's opinion, it would be better to do them all at once
in reply, N. stated that the 400 are those who "often [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] come and ask help since before"