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Anth 416
Econ Anth


Spring 1984
A. Dewey

Substantivist Theory
12. Karl Polanyi - The Economy as Instituted Process from "Trade and Markets in the Early Empires" pp. 243-270. Reprinted in Dalton (ed) "Primitive, Archaic, and Modern Economies: Essays of Karl Polanyi", pp. 139-175 and reprinted in E.E. LeClair and H.K. Schneider - "Economic Anthropology: Readings in Theory and Analysis"
13. Societies and Economic System from "The Great Transformation" pp. 269-273. Reprinted in "Primitive, Archaic, and Mod. Econ." p.3-25
14. Our Obsolete Market Mentality reprinted in "Primitive, Archaic and Mod. Ec." pp. 59-77.
15. George Dalton - "Theoretical Issues in Economic Anthropology" from Current Anthropology, Vol. 10, No. 1 pp. 63-102.
16. Introduction "Primitive, Archaic, and Mod. Econ." (ed) Dalton pp. ix-lii