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Jan 21
land, labor & capital
- land in broad sense to mean resource - not just gross amt. but quality
i.e. may be lots of land but not good land w/in reasonable walking distance of village
- labor includes labor-saving devices
here must examine energy efficiency - not all machinery as efficient as bicycle, for example
- capital
not just money
allows you to put land & labor together in productive ways

draws this parallel ((analogy))

land  labor  capital
matter  energy  life

what happens in a society that has no cash?
status as a member in good standing of the society gives you the rt to use ((combine?)) resources — — paying for resources & labor from good behaviour
- so anthropologist puts 'culture', defined as rules of behaviour, as capital


rules developed about access to a resource when it begins to be scarce — clean air, outer space, Antartica [[Antarctica]] examples of resources for which new rules being still developed

if look at a societies' rules for use of resources, can describe the economy level of technology

scarcity ((along with L, L & C)) [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] the other basic concept in economics;
scarcity forces choice
new field of decision-making
again the making of choices is part of being alive

responding not just automatically, but purposively & adaptively

[[strikethrough]] goals [[strikethrough]] choices made between goals or end & culture in general causes use to rank order — our culture tells us that champagne is better than coke

forms a general profile of demand tho individuals may vary, i.e. I may personally like coke better than champagne

[[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] must understand culture to predict choice