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what happens if rank [[strikethrough]]goes up[[/strikethrough]] says beef preferred but price of beef goes up

new fields of decision-making & games theory
these fields also apply to pol. anthr.

((cap as rts to mobilize or symbol of rts


Jan 23- capital
Firth's classic def:
"labor & resources diverted from current consumption to create someth [[something]] (maybe a good or skill such [[strikethrough]]ed[[/strikethrough]] as education) which will enhance future production

fixed capital- building, supplies, tools ((vs liquid cash))

your workers skills, incl. language, are form of capital investment

land conditioning & sculpturing also a cap. inv.

lithic tools, base camps, sharing as a social pattern, carrying containers ((cognitive maps, knowledge of plant & animal species, rituals that reinforce)), social rules esp. those dealing w pol  [[political]] & econ [[economic]] control of resources

many animal species have simple cap. equipm. i.e. nests, group or social behavior

as examples of cooperation as a cap. resource, gotong royong [[strikethrough]]treas[[/strikethrough]]moving of village houses and casting of large fish nets