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contrast between (firm)/simple decisions of a W-style factory & more complex decisions of peasant HH which produces multiple products for multiple needs labor in peas. society not exactly a "factor of prod." in sense that any worker can be replaced by any other

Ortiz says among peasants competition is for resources, not outcomes, but reverse true for firm (for example Cabbage Patch dolls competing w/ Teddy Bears, but both can easily get new materials or resources needed)

interdependence of econ. activities in peas. societies - scheduling probs. if change one factor
water scheduling problems in irrig society when some change to miracle varieties w/ shorter cycle

because of complexities, maximizing decisions more diff in peas. societies - - diff, for example, to make estim of value of inputs
utility must also be factored in - brussel sprouts may grow better than beans, but 

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maybe family doesn't like brussel sprouts as well
how to determine trade off pt., esp. if brussel sprouts can't be traded for beans in market

peasants try to achieve needed total output needed for family survival and don't really look at returns per hr.

what if high risk opportunity arises? may take if certain of subsistence - 

((diversification reduces risk, specialization increases efficiency i e output per resource unit))