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give pay during shut downs-same
25 18-20 workers
all young guys, fa. supervises only
gives food & drink tho not obligated to
8-4 PM
needs automatic plant (need only 1 worker) - not stages  (for phala
has seen product from India & also info that local
6-7 lak cost
3300 capacity daily that machine
(their cap. 1100)
all work done on premises
[[strikethrough]] Mogul [[/strikethrough]] Moughal Lohar caste (all [[strikethrough]] artisans [[/strikethrough]] smiths)
no land in family - workers also landless

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phala sold in sets of 11
market in Lahore
Badami Bagh bazaar area Lak
Landa Bazaar Lak
11 tillers
Sergoda - Muslim bazaar
Okara - Depalpur Road
Kuhat - Lariadda bus stand
Guj. - Sialkot Road on the road

hal - same market
trolley - locally, for neighbors smaller on side prod.
have always made phala + hal but technology has changed (no hanger hand work)

8 yrs. ago began using new technology
they take to market themselves- 1 man does marketing only (add to 6)
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