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he is brother
transport wagons - Suzuki pickups he rents
br. gets orders but they, not buyer, pay transport
1 time rent 250-300 Rs
6x a mo.
for NWFP dispatch on truck- customer pays acc. to wt.
sale price 1 set phala 40-125 dep. on quality & size
dep. on horsepower of tractor (50 or 70 horsepower)
also on texture of soil
9 K iron to make 1 set, reduces to 4 or 5 from cutting (can resell recut pieces)
agents come & take
Rs 110-125 per 40 KG
from 1 truck, 1/4 wasted & resold

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in slack season marketing problems
[[strikethrough]] can't [[/strikethrough]] slack season winter - [[strikethrough]] store [[/strikethrough]] continue making till run out of cap. & store product
start paddy season & at time wheat harvest of 
June - Jly
harv. [[strikethrough]] padi [[/strikethrough]]
wheat & start padi 
Oct Nov
[[strikethrough]] wheat harv [[/strikethrough]]
cultiv. of wheat, harv. of padi
profit 10 Rp per Kg?
main probl. capital
60,000 at least a mo. (2 truck raw mat.)
commercial gives interest - free but only 10,000Rs
1. power press - 15,000
2. culter 18,000
3. shaper 20,000
8 yrs complete (would be 4000 - 5000 more @ now)