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larger bricks hold plates apart

profits must be much more

use molds to shape sanitary wares

have never had bank loan & don't want

many large work rooms arranged in shape

[[drawing of a large square with a slightly smaller square inside of it. In the upper left corner there is much smaller square connected to the outside upper left side of the larger square]]
[[pointing to smallest square]] will be a house, now used for work


3. Abdul Hamid son of [Ghulan?] [strikethrough\] Ham [strikethrough] Moh. 
      no san. ware
also on main road
electr. from city

1 gen. for lights only during load shedding

sui gas only
raw materials day
- fire [strikethrough\] alone [strikethrough], soap stone, belor, plasters of paris for molds, sui gas
clay dried from Miawali, formerly thru stone
    6 mo. ago
pays cash
          [strikethrough\]yes,[strikethrough] can get credit from Miawali
commission agent from M. comes here & gets orders from them for clay