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device & then package & send by truck on railway - device compresses to small size
he doesn't sell yarn or supplies;
[[left margin]] but he does supply to weavers [[left margin/]]
 his fa. a weaver & started this business in 1933
profit 7-8% for him
beach [[dunnes?]] sent to [[?]] only 30 Rs
his brother's shop adjacent
yarn made in Faisehabad, undyed; [[strikethrough]] midd [[/strikethrough]] also Kan, [[Lahore?]], Mattan etc. 
comes here thru commission agent who sits in [[Guy?]] & books it for them

[[strikethrough]] when shortage they contact agent & give a [[?]] to 
when shortage of yarn com. agent contacts shops & given [[?]] yarn on credit [[/strikethrough]]
blame Cheemah                79

when shortage of yarn shopkeeper contacts agent & gives cash payment & buys yarn. 
when plentiful agent contacts them & sends yarn on credit bases on advance
at times yarn exported & that created shortages - doesn't have to do w/ cotton harvest
supply shops sell to weavers
put-out system - the shop gives yarn on credit on fixed rate mutually decided & buys [[dunnee?]]
he also gets [[dunnees?]] from factories that don't get yarn from him
at times cash paid & at times credit
rate paid depends on who is meedien, buyer or seller generally he pays less to people