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need bedding
sales also go up after Moharram over & [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] also after paddy harvest when [[strikethrough]] sal [[/strikethrough]] people have money to buy things to store for dowrys etc.
took [[strikethrough]] ou [[/strikethrough]] out both loans 11 mo ago [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] in 1 mo. 1 st installment due; each loan 4000 must be paid

formerly got credit from relatives in small amts of about 1000 Rs at a time

he says total income from durrees about 1000 a mo.


Moh. Abdullah
has 8 looms
has 2 loans 
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] out 2nd to brother Abdul Aziz
also making bed durrees of cotton in same trad. patterns
he has electr. from city [[strikethrough]] same [[/strikethrough]] same road
40 bundles used for enterps per fortn & pays 110 Rs each buys from Guj. Rail Bazaar market
either he or his br. goes by bus & back by pick-up or tonga; (Guj. 10 mi. from here)
2 Rs there & 50 Rs back go to Guj 2x a mo.
Moh. ansari people
workers diff. castes some ansaris, some arain (peasant caste) 
always pays cash for yarn; he has enough [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] money to avoid credit changes