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others only 1 or 2
only the 3 villages making enterprises on main rd [[/Strikethrough]] Nat in [[/Strikethrough]] considered time be in Dekkher town (under town committee, not a village)
his looms all 10yrs old; also work shed
these brothers inherited the looms and shed from their fa.
no woman in fam. wind spools; use ≠ 10 hired women
pays 5Rs a bundle and they can finish 1 bundle a day
owner he was previously a school master for primary school (5th grade)
[[/strikethrough]] quit on [[/strikethrough]] retired 1yr ago.
women work in own homes- they come to his place + get yarn (after weighing 1st) again weigh when come back to avoid theft


Owns no agn. land but owns house plot + work area 
he would like to expand his business and install power looms, not go into agn.
the workers usually work from 6-4
if they want they can work more + weave 4 per day
the fourth can be considered a kind of overtime 
no stoppages
works mainly in order basis from Mian dumee factory 
Gekkhas + New Fancy dumee factory, also Gekkhas + Batt dumee factory we visited
he sells wholesale only, not to villages 
shopkeepers come to pick up + then shopk. beans transport shopk. then sell to other shops in other cities
he can sell a ps. for 110-120 to 3 shops, + they resell, but he doesn’t know their profit