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Notes from "kupedes + the Unit Desao of BRI" updated to Nov./Dec 1987

I. 297. cabango at Kab level 

unit desas set up to administration BIMAS credit/ 
one for each 600 - 1000 ha sawah
on Java + Bali, + each 2000 outside
each unit desa has 4 employees
a. kepala (Kaudes)
b. Manti - field worker 
c. book keeping 
d. cashier
light control by Cabango in fact borrowers selected by Department Agr. extension workers
by limiting to Agr. + small area, unit desas could not cover operating costs

a [[strikethrough]] kad [[strikethrough]] credit Mini program set up outside BIMAS w/ govn. grant - interest 12% + limit 200,000 
- any kind of rural enterprise