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 BRI experimenting w/ machines to verify receipts + post the books in busiest V.D's -- 200 TECs bought for Jogja in 1988

[[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] cashier
handles cash transactions up to limit authorized by Kandes may be assisted by assistent cashier if V.D. maintains post outside the V.D. office

posts (PPD = Post Pelayanan Desa)
usually manned by 1 cashier + 1 bookkeeper who form Tin PD or TPD

report back to the V.D. which is then called a 'V.D. Induk'

Cash Management
a V.D. must have at least 500,000 Rp on hand + 200,000 per PPD
maximum +- 4% of savings + giro 
Pincu may raise the minimum + change the maximum
the 17% charged on liquidity borrowed, from the Cabang + the 17% paid to V.D.'s for cash deposited in the Cabang act as incentives to prevent Kaudes from hanging on to too much idle cash.

[[circled]] V [[/circled]] the Pinca has the basic responsibility for supervision