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Up old BIMAS program the UD's located acc. to the availability of rice land to be converted to high yielding varieties

after UD's began w/ KUPEDES in 1984, it quickly became apparent that the demand for credit for other types of rural enterprise greatly exceeded that for agr. production credit 

in late 1984 BRI [[therefore]] began adjusting the location of U.D.'s & reallocating staff to meet demand

low potential U.D.'s downgraded to posts & high pot. desisgnated as U.D. Induk

nationwide the no. of UDs reduced to 2200-2300 plus 1600 posts

staff employed dropped from 14,500 1983 to 12,5000 due to natural attrition end '86

& some finings for corruption
in last couple of yrs, however, shortage of staff because of rapid expansion of program & time needed to recruit & train

opening of new posts in non-rice growing locations where there were no U.D.s before has barely begun