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- realloc. orig. done in densely pop. areas of the country, i.e. Bali, Gava, S. Sul. + W. Sum has now proceeded elsewhere but not completely satisfactory
main demand in these areas for loans to plant or replant rubber or other tree crops
these are long-term loans outside KUPEDES + serious repayment problems (World Bank financed)
p.24 gives chart of the 15 BRI wilays + no. of U.D's + PPDs in each
on Java E. & W (Bandung + Sur.) are largest
on Sum. South + W the largest (Palembang & Padang)
elswhere S. Sulawesi + Bali the largest

no. of Cabangs per Wilaya not given but appr. 1 per 10 U.D.s
in W. Java, e.g. that wld mean about 37