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* 2 separate loans VS 1 loan listed as majority


up & make [[strikethrough/]] mal [[strikethrough]] many investment loans as possible before stopped

[[margin]] this from cabang man [[/margin]]

problem that nasabah often ask for inv. loans but will use for m.k.
if, after checking, really for inv, boleh sebanyak maunya

pernah dimarai April 1986 oleh [[strikethrough]] Kanwil [[/strikethrough]] Kampus because after checking inv. loans some used for m.k.

they got strong impression Pusat preferred m.k. 
they ask kwitansi only for alat besar

(mantri knows a lot more than kaudes)

*this is 1st area nasabahs cukup pintar to ask for inv.

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to get lower interest

kandang ayam
bibit broiler
  "   telur

 he emphasizes that usoha mesti sudah ada
 besani [strikethrough/] expl [strikethrough] 
 investasi start-up if betul 2 kenal orangnya
 checking lama
 if 2 sectors, / Bapak & 1 Ibu, he prefers to give 
 separate loans
 mantri puts in sektor which wenonjol
 mantri says he determines sektor
 rechecks every time
 in future tractors & sprayers; hard to find folder