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59 Nas. in 
#1 Suraji (guru)
Suratinah female her name loan
sektor [[circled]]expl pertanian[[/circled]]
both [[strikethrough]]ayam potong + tetus[[/strikethrough]]
broiler   layer
jaminan BPKD + quitansi
TV + tape
400,000 Rs      4 mo seasonal
(will pay off at once)
“sekali melunas”
to buy feed, obat 2 an
helped by [[strikethrough]]2 children[[/strikethrough]]1 child & 1 pembantu female
buys in nearby poultry store
sells to tengkulak who is her langganan
150 broiler, layar  400
kandang 10 M x 2½

every 2½ mo. sells
pembantu 15,000 & makan & pakaian at heb.

#2 [[strikethrough]]MULSYOSUDARMO[[/strikethrough]]MULYOSUDARMO expl. pertanian
desa Sidokarto
[[underlineD]]peternakan ayam[[/underlineD]]kampung
ayam ‘buras’ (bukan ras)
200,000, 2 years
jam. pek. & rumah [[strikethrouGh]]in[[/strikethrough]]
letter C, wife’s name
- walaupun buras use kandang
- for meat
loan for feed
he takes care himself
[[strikethrough]]he[[/strikethrough]] sells to bakul (perantara)
who sell to Beringharjo &
[[strikethrough]]R[[/strikethrough]]rangan markets for traditional dishes
1 X 9 M[[superscript]]2[[/superscript]]