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Month___ dinihilkan Page___

Pak Sunu says investasi has own rekoning so inv. telap from cabang
reports weekly for investasi

Sunu says investasi usually given grace period here (tunggakan waktu)
[[red underline]] in Gianyar all petani in general are also pengrajin - [[\red underline]]
diff. in Lombok & Sumbawa 
where pure petani 
kopi (daerah Bangle), salak (Karangasem), anggur & kopi (Singaraja), panili (Negari) - also kopi,

formerly jeruk but kena penyakit [[strikethrough]] CVPB[/strikethrough]] CPVD  (virus)- 
began 1983 & now still not allowed to replant (jeruk keprok)- was a major 
crop here

they say kwitansis must be submitted; admit is a hambatan use as tambahan jaminan for kios & warung in desas here don't use izin banguanan
kec [[arrow]] kal = desa [[arrow]] banjar (dusun, istilah pemerintah)

Month___ Page___
___day klian = kep banjar

Darminto says inv. can be developed if administrative hambatans (i.e. quitansi harus sama total dengan pinjaman)

for nas, who need both expl & inv. don't give 2 loans but gabung, lehat yang dominant, but usually masuk expl. 

Pak Untung says they want to develop inv. in future 
95 U.D. & 54 pos in 14 cabangs 

most post located where an old U.D. reallocated

generally at U.D. level asked 'pinjaman, untuk apa' - decided by p.b. at time of permohonan - ask for 'model benja' 

[[encircled]] model 72 filled out when 
1. surat keterangan desa
a. tinggal disitu
b. mempunyai usaha
no form here, but a form in Jawa [/encircled]]