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[[preprint]] Month__ Date__ __day Page__ [[/preprint]]

6 (in red ink)
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[encircled]] none of them aware w/ out looking at tables soal bunga, flat rate as spread [[/encircled]]

for whole cabang 2.7 pinjaman
                 1.6 simpanan
U.D. Ubul 547 jinta sing
          462 pinyan
U.D. Suka 549 jinta pinja
          319 sing
achin oct [[line to U.D. Ubul]]

at UBUD they cover all bans from savings acc. to PINCA
formerly they said couldn't cover +
but in penbukuan they said use liquidates cabang

[[encircled in red]] new peraturan loan expl able funds 50% from cabang
inv. 100% from BRI (sama dengan Wonosobo)[[/encircled in red]]
pinca says can increase inv. in future, but must be selective (character + feasability or 'Kelayakan' of enterprise itself)

[[preprint]] IT IS WRONG TO TELL A LIE [[/preprint]]

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[[preprint]] Month__ Date__ __day Page__ [[/preprint]] 

2 (in red ink) *

get at Celuk (at the top of the page)

[[encircled]] pinca says mas. underst expl + investasi [[/encircled]]
[[encircled]] Ubud + Tampakseing 
even w/out izin they are giving loans [[/encircled]]
[[encircled]] for home stay or rest. need izin from Dinas Parawisata, Tingkat I; they 
don't know if must pay
takes about 1 mo. to get
often build 1st + then get izin
don't need izin banqun, C.O. thinks; [[/encircled]]
C.O. says also they underst. because get pengarahan
get admit staff U.D. who mengarakan
they usually promote both Keep + Semp at development fairs

*cepal keluas more imp than interest if combined w/ same rate, will not affect rate of [[strikethrough]] ra [[/strikethrough]] borrowing; [[strikethrough]] but U.D. staff [[/strikethrough]]
*they feel shld be combined + same control rate
some mas. who understand flat rate feel too high
walaupun IT PW

[[preprint]] DON'T MAKE LIGHT OF YOUR LIFE [[/preprint]]

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