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prod. drops by 1/3 in
wood prices include transport cet from Sukowati (cet basa), but ancur, kencu bright red, prada
from D.P.
3 or 4 times a mo. to D.P. to setor barang + can buy supplies sepeda motor - 1988, bought new sales price of masks doesn't vary from season to season
pays cash for wood
3 trucks wood a mo. X125,000 = 375,000
5 kaleng @ 7000 cet basa a mo. = 35,000
kincu - 150,000 per bunkus, 1 bungkus in 2 mo = 75,000
ancur - [[10?]] bungkus @ 1250
prada - 2-3 roll (pelang) @ 27,500
tenaga paid borongan 2750-5000 a mask, dep. on quality 3000 is unusual
just got an order from Germany to make Japanese style masks 
has electr. tools pahat 35 types pemutik (knife) pangot, bent knife
amplas - sandpaper
use 125 lemban amplas a mo @ 100 Rp
use 50,000 a day for wages, 1.5 a mo.
from 7 workers 1 masks barong, 1 Garuda balus, 2 Rangda, 1 monyet (King Kong), 2 bondres (comic), 1 kodok
- he has 5 set pahat @ 105,000 each worker has 2 pemutik @ 4000 + 1 pangot @ 5000
formerly used a room in his house; now use terrace 3X4 + other parts of house

Transcription Notes:
I believe "kencu" (at the top of the 1st page) is meant to be the same word as "kincu" (at the bottom of the 1st page).