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__day                                     PAGE__

1975-80 a beras-gabah trader
max ekor 30 in [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 6 kandangs;
[[strikethrugh]] sla no sla [[/strikethrough]] also breeding them
115 hari gestation[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]]
babi crossing    formerly 2 workers for babi & 5 batako
started Batik Bali w this loan
#2      Pak Made Jaya
male    pengrajin 
          banjos Kawan
          desa Mas
          kec. Ubud
       4K. from here
    has borrowed since 1981  Mini  Midi

expl           1. 750,000-bought patang
peroagangan    alr.gadi   a. 100,000 wood
                          b. 500,000 wages
                          c. 150,000 food for workers
expl           2. 2 juta
perdagangan       a. 300,000
                  b wages 1 juta
                  c food 300,000
                  d. 400,000 menampung statues
                  from outside (orangtuar)
inv.            3. 2 inta (when 2ndalmost paid off)
perdagangan        [[strikethrough]] br 
                 [[/strikethrough]]make a gudang (total
cost 3 1/2 juta)-for [[strikethrough]] staids[[/strikethrough]] statues


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    day                                  PAGE

he has a kios in desa also, but diff from guadang
he works mornings only to mengrajun;

wife after cooking for workers helps polish statues
has made statues since graduating from SD' 
over 20 yrs exp., father also a statue makers

  no savings here
no contact w Dinas Per. except izin industri trying to get
no one from BRI has asked for, but he wants to enlarge enterprise & [[strikethrough]] fr [[/strikethrough]] move to cabang (KIK KMKP)
started trading statues in 1980
  in his own name, rumah diatas tanah milik desa
wants to borrow at Cabang I 5 juta for wood, statues, etc.
has heard 'inv' & 'expl' on TV, but doesn't underst.
heard about KUP from friends a
& often passed by

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