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#2 pertanian expl ♀ 
peternakan babi
200,000 12 mo.
2500 per K, @ 10K

[[strikeout]] a. 6 bibit, 150,000 b. 50,000 food [[/strikeout]]

a. bibit 200,000 2 kandang @ 2x3 M2
thinks saddlebacks at Pasar Kediri, special sections pengemukan 1 yr, he thinks sells for 100
food empas kelapa - he makes coconut oil too, they say, 10-15 butir a day
dedak too expensive, they say
nanusan - cari minyak, parut & rebus

can reach 100 K (1 KW) in a yr., they say
[[strikeout]]all[[/strikeout]]sells 3 bottles of coconut oil a day @ 700 Rp, kurang dari 1 liter each

omset 250,000 laba per bulan
also have warung klontong, but not used

sells 1200 a kilo after pengemukan = 120,000 per ekor x 8 ekor = 960,000 - 200,000 = 760,000

doesn't buy food 63333 per bulan
not yet klontong or coconut

Rp 30,000 klontong laba
has 25 pohon kelapa